Gaming News: FF7 Rebirth Bug Hinders Platinum Trophy Quest

A bug in FF7 Rebirth is stopping players from completing the final side quest for the platinum trophy!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A bug in FF7 Rebirth is preventing players from completing the final side quest for the platinum trophy after 100 hours of gameplay.


  • FF7 Rebirth bug halts platinum trophy quest completion.
  • Workaround involves reverting to 1.0 version from disc.
  • Players express frustration over inability to finish key quest.

Player Frustrations

Player brianstormIRL shared a workaround, advising to chapter select Ch 13 on easy mode to redo the quest. Others like YukihiraLivesForever find the glitch frustrating and impactful to their completion experience.

Hopes for a Fix

laughingheart66 expresses hope for a prompt fix, given the substantial content left to complete. ExceedLvl3 is grateful for the heads-up, while crystalmeow7 notes a peculiar lack of the bug in their gameplay.

On Completing Platinum

Valarasha shares having finished their platinum before the patch but acknowledges the remaining task of replaying the quest on Hardmode. The bug continues to linger, affecting completion experiences for players.