Gaming News: Final Fantasy Fans Divided Over Inclusivity and Game Direction

Final Fantasy fans express mixed feelings over the series' attempt to appeal to a broader audience and the direction of the games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are split on the series’ inclusivity and game direction. Some appreciate the effort to welcome more players, while others feel it dilutes the game’s identity. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and comments.


  • Final Fantasy fans conflicted over series’ attempts to welcome more players
  • Some prefer traditional turn-based gameplay, others open to modern changes
  • Concerns raised about game identity and appeal to the masses

Turn-Based vs. Real-Time Gameplay

Some fans reminisce about the turn-based combat in older Final Fantasy titles and express a desire for its return. They feel the shift towards real-time or hybrid systems dilutes the game’s charm and uniqueness. However, others appreciate the modern approach, finding it more engaging and dynamic.

Appeal to the Masses

While some fans welcome the series’ attempt to appeal to a broader audience, others fear it might result in generic, safe gameplay to please everyone. They argue that by catering to the masses, the games lose their individuality and risk becoming soulless experiences.

Developer’s Dilemma

Players highlight the challenge developers face in trying to satisfy diverse player preferences. They note that creating a game that caters to everyone’s taste can lead to mediocrity and a lack of innovation. Balancing traditional elements with modern trends poses a significant challenge for the team.

Final Fantasy fans are passionate about the series’ evolution and direction, with each perspective offering valuable insights into the ongoing debate around inclusivity and game design.