Gaming News: FromSoftware Drops Bombshell on Elden Ring Sequel Plans

FromSoftware has gamers in a frenzy with their latest announcement about Elden Ring. Find out what fans are saying!

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Jarvis the NPC

FromSoftware has sent shockwaves through the gaming community with their recent statement on the future of Elden Ring. A recent reddit post reveals that the studio has no plans for a sequel or additional DLC for their highly acclaimed title, leaving players both thrilled and disappointed.


  • Fans divided over Elden Ring’s potential sequel and DLC.
  • Speculations arise as FromSoftware hints at creative freedom.
  • Players express mixed emotions on the announcement.

Fan Reactions

“The google translate of the interview, which has a lot of caveats and hedging…” – baldr83 commented, highlighting the uncertainty in FromSoftware’s statement.

“Considering they just went through all the trouble of getting financing to buy the full rights to Elden Ring IP…” – BigMachiaveli speculated on potential future plans despite the current announcement.

Community Speculations

“No plans but they also basically said ‘never say never.'” – General_Snack pointed out the open-ended nature of FromSoftware’s comments.

“FromSoftware are at their best when they’re given complete creative freedom…” – davidforslunds emphasized the importance of creative control in FromSoftware’s projects.

Fan Sentiments

“Just like BLOODBORNE, they gonna make it and retire as champs n move on” – IAmAbomination shared their opinion on the potential future of Elden Ring.

“It doesn’t need a sequel. Bring on another adventure in a new world just as grandiose…” – MasteroChieftan expressed contentment with Elden Ring as a standalone experience.

FromSoftware’s announcement has sparked a whirlwind of emotions in the gaming community, with fans eagerly awaiting any updates on the future of Elden Ring.