Gaming News: Gamers Confess Their Deepest, Darkest Deeds in the World of Video Games

Gamers share their most twisted actions in games, from marriage scams to interstellar cannibalism.

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Jarvis the NPC

Dark confessions of gamers have flooded the subreddit as users reveal their most devious deeds in the gaming world. IHATEPOLITICSBRUV spurred a wave of horrifying, yet comical, anecdotes with the simple prompt, ‘What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done in a game?’


  • Players admit to heinous acts like marrying Sims and bricking them alive to inherit wealth.
  • One gamer deceived townsfolk, detonated a nuke, and created a zombie apocalypse for profit.
  • A gamer mercilessly incinerated their beloved companion cube in Portal, earning praise for the swiftness of their action.

Marriage Scams and Zombie Ghouls

The tale of ResponsibilityNo3245 marrying Sims, sealing them in walls, and profiting off their demise shocked many. Squirll’s gruesome account of nuking a town, creating zombies, and massacring them left jaws dropped in disbelief.

Companion Cube Incineration

TheSchwartzIsWithMe’s dark humor in swiftly incinerating the companion cube in Portal showcased gaming’s twisted sense of fun as they laughed uncontrollably at GladOs’ reaction.

Cruelty and Cannibalism in Cyberpunk

SILVERWOLF05_ confessed to crucifying a man in Cyberpunk 2077 for profit, illustrating the morally ambiguous choices players make in virtual worlds.