Gaming News: Gamers Divulge Their Toughest Challenges without Internet Help

Discover the hurdles gamers face when tackling tough tasks in games sans the aid of the internet.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered what the most challenging accomplishment in a video game is without the internet’s assistance? Let’s dive into the Reddit post where gamers share their struggles and triumphs.


  • Unraveling point-and-click adventure game puzzles without guides seems like a Herculean task.
  • Catching Feebas in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire becomes an epic quest without online aids.
  • Surviving all the sidequests in Elden Ring proves to be an elusive achievement.

Point-and-Click Puzzles: A Lost Art

One Reddit user marvels at the complexity of old-school point-and-click adventure games that required players to engage in bizarre item combinations to progress. The lack of prompts or hints bewilders them, showcasing the unique challenges of yesteryear’s gaming.

Feebas’ Elusive Hideout

A nostalgic gamer recounts the struggle of finding Feebas in the Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire games, especially in a rural setting devoid of the internet’s guiding light. The mere thought of wandering aimlessly for that elusive Pokemon sends shivers down their spine.

Elden Ring’s Unforgiving Sidequests

Players diving into Elden Ring’s vast world express the daunting task of completing every sidequest. The sheer magnitude of content and the cryptic nature of some quests make attaining 100% completion a legendary feat.

From conquering obscure puzzles to overcoming rare Pokemon hunts and mastering a game’s entirety without online assistance, the challenges players face without the internet are as diverse as they are demanding. Every victory achieved in these circumstances becomes a testament to a gamer’s dedication and resilience, showcasing the enduring allure of overcoming digital obstacles.