Gaming News: Gamers’ Favorite Sequels that Missed the Mark on Mechanics

Discover which game sequels gamers loved despite missing key mechanics. Dive into the Reddit discussions now!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to video game sequels, players often find themselves torn between loving the improvements and missing key mechanics from the original game. One Reddit post sparked a lively discussion on which sequels were better but lacked a beloved feature. Let’s explore some of the top choices and see why gamers have such strong opinions!


  • Players love Mass Effect 2 but miss the RPG elements from the first game.
  • Demon’s Souls fans yearn for the wall-vaulting mechanic in Dark Souls.
  • Ni No Kuni 2 players long for the monster collecting feature of its predecessor.
  • Morrowind aficionados feel the absence of key features from Daggerfall.

Mass Effect 2: Missing RPG Depth

One user highlighted how moving from Mass Effect 1 to 2 felt like losing the depth of RPG systems they adored.

Demon’s Souls to Dark Souls: Saying Goodbye to Wall-Vaulting

A fan reminisces about the joy of wall-vaulting in Demon’s Souls and laments its absence in Dark Souls.

Ni No Kuni 2: Where Did the Monsters Go?

A player enjoys Ni No Kuni 2 but misses the charm of collecting monsters in the first game.

Morrowind vs. Daggerfall: The Features That Got Left Behind

A fan of Morrowind praises the game but bemoans the loss of beloved features from Daggerfall.

As gamers, we often form deep connections with the mechanics and systems of our favorite games. While sequels aim to enhance the overall experience, they can sometimes lead to nostalgia for what once was. These discussions remind us of the diverse preferences and memories that make gaming so special.