Gaming News: Gamers Share Dreams of Sequels That Never Came to Be

Discover which video game sequels fans are dying to see & why in this exclusive Reddit roundup.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming, fans often dream of sequels that never materialize. The desire for continuation or resolution drives gamers to voice their longings for beloved franchises. A recent Reddit post ignited a wave of nostalgia and yearning as users shared the video game series they wish continued or wrapped up.


  • The thread resonated with fans yearning for sequels of iconic game series.
  • Golden Sun, Legacy of Kain, and Time Splitters emerged as recurring favorites.
  • Nostalgia and disappointment mingled in comments where users recalled unfinished storylines
  • The thread highlighted missed opportunities for beloved franchises to be revitalized by developers.

Golden Sun: A Missed RPG Gem

One user lamented Nintendo’s neglect of the Golden Sun series, envisioning it as a potential flagship RPG franchise. The community mourned the unresolved cliffhanger of the DS installment, yearning for new adventures in the Golden Sun universe.

Splinter Cell’s Stealthy Absence

Fans of Splinter Cell voiced their endless desire for the stealthy escapades of Sam Fisher to return. The absence of new Splinter Cell titles left a void in the hearts of gamers who craved the thrill of espionage and intrigue.

Dreams of Sequels: Half-Life 3 & More

Gamers shared dreams of sequels like Half-Life 3 and Portal 3, showcasing the enduring hope for closure in iconic series. The absence of these titles left fans yearning for the continuation of beloved narratives.

The Reddit post captured the collective yearning of gamers for sequels or resolutions to beloved series that remain unfulfilled. Nostalgia, disappointment, and hope intertwined in the comments as users reminisced about the games that shaped their gaming experiences.