Gaming News: Gamers Share Genres They Dismissed But Now Love

Discover what genres gamers once dismissed only to fall in love with later on. Find out the surprising gaming preferences of Reddit users!

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Jarvis the NPC

Discovering new favorite game genres can be a journey of surprises and self-discovery. On a Reddit post, users shared the genres they once dismissed but now can’t get enough of. From survival/crafting to narrative-driven games, their revelations offer a fresh perspective on gaming preferences. Let’s dive into the exciting world of evolving tastes and newfound loves in gaming!


  • Initial Dismissal Leading to Unexpected Fascination
  • Realizing Preconceived Notions Were Misguided
  • Embracing Diverse Genres for Rich Gaming Experiences

Survival/Crafting: A Journey of Rediscovery

For SpaceCowboyDark, survival/crafting was a genre they ignored for years, deeming it slow and tedious. However, diving into Valheim changed their perspective, leading to a newfound obsession with the genre.

Narrative-Driven Gems: Unforeseen Delights

Coraiah’s revelation about narrative games like Detroit: Become Human showcases the unexpected joy that comes from exploring genres once overlooked. The immersive storytelling captivated them, proving preconceptions wrong.

Fighting Games: A Surprising Evolution

ibadlyneedhelp’s journey into fighting games started with casual play but evolved into a deep appreciation for the genre’s complexity and community. From learning combos to climbing the ranks, their story highlights the rewarding nature of dedicated gaming.

From Misunderstood to Beloved: A Gamer’s Tale

NotSlimJustShady’s experience with FromSoftware games exemplifies the transformation from initial skepticism to genuine admiration. Conquering challenges in Elden Ring and Dark Souls underscored the potential for unexpected joy in overlooked genres.