Gaming News: Gamers Share the Everlasting Charm of 100% Completion

Discover why gamers keep coming back to games they have achieved 100% completion in.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a world where finishing a game to 100% completion is a rare achievement, some games hold a special allure that keeps gamers hooked even after achieving this milestone. Which games have this unique appeal?


  • Games like Factorio and Vampire Survivors offer endless replay value even after reaching 100% completion.
  • Titles like Binding of Isaac and Terraria continue to captivate players long after achieving full completion.
  • Community mods extend the life of games like FTL, creating an ever-evolving experience.
  • Games such as Bloodborne and Fallout: New Vegas inspire repeated playthroughs due to their rich gameplay and narrative.

Factorio – A Timeless Classic

Factorio is hailed for its addictive gameplay loop that keeps players engrossed even after hitting the 100% mark. The endless possibilities of resource management and automation make each playthrough unique and engaging.

Vampire Survivors – The Never-Ending Thrill

With its addictive gameplay and quick runs, Vampire Survivors offers a compelling experience that players find hard to put down, even after completing every challenge the game has to offer.

Binding of Isaac and Terraria – Enduring Favorites

Games like Binding of Isaac and Terraria are praised for their replayability and depth, ensuring that players keep coming back for more, long after reaching full completion.

FTL – Community-Driven Innovation

FTL’s strong modding community has breathed new life into the game, providing players with fresh content and challenges that keep the experience exciting and ever-evolving.