Gaming News: Gamers Share the Most Torturous Gaming Tunes to Force Upon Their Enemies

Gamers on Reddit discuss the music tunes they would use to torture their worst enemies. Which gaming tune would you choose?

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever thought about using a gaming tune to torture your worst enemy? Well, it seems like gamers on Reddit have put some serious thought into this diabolical idea. From spooky melodies to repetitive tunes, the suggestions are hilariously evil. Let’s dive into the madness!


  • Players share their picks for the most torturous gaming tunes to subject their enemies to.
  • From classics like Sonic drowning theme to obscure tracks like Hong Kong 97’s theme, the choices are diverse.
  • Some tunes start off innocently enough but become unbearable with repetition.

The Mansion Basement Theme

One user suggested the Mansion Basement theme from Resident Evil: Director’s Cut, a haunting melody that grows more suffocating with each loop.

Sonic Drowning

Another user opted for the iconic Sonic drowning theme, a tune that strikes fear into the hearts of many gamers.

Crazy Bus Intro Theme

A unique choice was the Crazy Bus intro theme, with a player jokingly claiming it makes them “choose violence” upon waking up.

Pokemon Low HP Tune

The classic Pokemon Low HP tune was also mentioned, especially the first-gen version, known for its anxiety-inducing melody.

All the suggestions seem hilariously evil, but let’s hope we never have to endure such torture ourselves. Which gaming tune would you pick to drive your worst enemy insane?