Gaming News: Gamers Share Their Everlasting Love for Franchises

Discover which video game franchises fans are still raving about and why in this reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

Love for video game franchises runs deep in the gaming community. From classics like Pokemon to modern hits like The Witcher, fans share their unwavering devotion.


  • Mass Effect and Dragon Age fans show unwavering loyalty.
  • Resident Evil enthusiasts have been hooked since childhood.
  • Final Fantasy, Pokemon, and Zelda maintain strong followings since the ’90s.
  • The Witcher franchise has garnered new fans with its captivating story.

Franchise Devotion

One user, Flamesclaws, proudly declares their undying love for Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Kirby, and Pokemon, indicating a diverse taste in gaming.

Nostalgia Reigns

The thread also reveals a deep sense of nostalgia, with comments like Low-Future9354’s reminiscing about Final Fantasy, Pokemon, and Zelda being their top picks since the ’90s.

Rising From the Ashes

WickedFox1o1 expresses a desire for the return of the Onimusha franchise, showcasing a yearning for the revival of beloved series.