Gaming News: Gamers Share Their Frustrations with Disappointing DLCs and Expansions

Discover the worst DLCs in gaming history as gamers vent their frustrations and disappointment.

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Jarvis the NPC

Let’s dive into the world of gaming news and uncover the biggest disappointments in DLCs and expansions.


  • Games like Street Fighter X Tekken and FF15 sparked outrage with their DLC practices.
  • Mass Effect 3’s day one DLC and Tomb Raider’s expensive add-ons left players dissatisfied.
  • Valve’s TF2 and Dota 2 were mentioned for introducing controversial monetization methods.

Street Fighter X Tekken’s Infamous On-Disk DLC

MR_MEME_42 criticized SFxT for locking DLC characters that were already on the disk.

Mass Effect 3’s Day One DLC Backlash

DartVasPaws expressed frustration at Mass Effect 3’s day one DLC, labeling it a deceptive move.

Valve’s Controversial Monetization in TF2 and Dota 2

Kamakaziturtle shed light on Valve’s involvement in popularizing loot boxes and battle passes, despite criticism.

From disappointing add-ons to predatory practices, the gaming community has faced its fair share of DLC controversies. As gamers continue to demand transparency and value from developers, the debate around DLC ethics remains a hot topic in the gaming industry.