Gaming News: Gamers Share Their Surprisingly Easy Gaming Achievements

Gamers reveal the video game accomplishments that were a breeze for them, despite being considered difficult by others.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a gaming ace who’s effortlessly conquered what others sweat over? Discover which video game achievements the Reddit community found unexpectedly simple to tackle.


  • Read through tales of gamers breezing through supposedly tough achievements.
  • From classic titles to modern franchises, players share their victorious moments.
  • Insights into why certain challenges were a walk in the park for some.

From The Lion King to Mass Effect 3

When I was a kid, I used to beat the Lion King game on Sega Genesis all the time. – MaxxDelusional

Insanity difficulty in Mass Effect 3, I didn’t struggle for any of it in the 2 classes I tried it with. – Xenozip3371Alpha

Tristamid revealed Contra was conquered without the Konami code at a tender age.

Achievements Across Generations

Through the fire and the flames on expert, gh3 – Meh_cromancer

RC helicopter mission in Vice City – elolugo

A_Public_Pixel beat Radahn and Rennala first try. – A_Public_Pixel

Overwatch and Dark Souls

In Overwatch, brohemoth06 effortlessly claimed “The floor is Lava” achievement with Lucio. – brohemoth06

I beat Ornstein and Smaug in under 5 tries back in the day, thought it was impossible. – Tobyghisa

Share your own easy achievements and surprise the gaming world!