Gaming News: Gamers Share What Games They’re Addicted to Right Now

Discover what games have gamers hooked and why in this lively discussion on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gamers on Reddit are buzzing about their current addiction to games, revealing their favorites and what keeps them coming back for more.


  • Players express deep affection for varied games with compelling gameplay loops.
  • Many are surprised by their newfound obsession with genres they never thought they’d love.
  • The challenge of perfecting gameplay mechanics often drives players’ addiction.

Verytastytreats Addiction to Dayz

For Verytastytreats, the allure of Dayz is undeniable, pulling them back in after years of playing. There’s something about the game that keeps them hooked, despite the passage of time.

FemboyAirsoftRat’s Pacific Drive Obsession

FemboyAirsoftRat is captivated by Pacific Drive, citing its perfect atmosphere and gameplay loop as the main draws that keep them coming back for more.

loyaltomyself’s Love for Baldur’s Gate 3

loyaltomyself shares their focus on Baldur’s Gate 3, emphasizing how the game has finally clicked for them, becoming the main attraction in their gaming lineup.

dtorrance88’s Deep Dive into Subnautica

dtorrance88 expresses their addiction to Subnautica, showcasing the game’s ability to immerse players in its undersea world and keep them engaged for hours on end.