Gaming News: Gamers Sound Off on Games Defined by Gameplay

Discover what gamers think about games solely relying on gameplay. From Mario to Metal Gear Solid 5, see which titles shine through mechanics!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about games that dominate through gameplay alone? Dive into the Reddit thread where users debate titles like Ghostrunner and more!


  • Players highlight games like Mario for their pure gameplay experience
  • Racing games are mentioned for focusing solely on mechanics
  • Hitman and Metal Gear Solid 5 are praised for gameplay immersion
  • Titles like Dead Cells and Titanfall 2 showcase gameplay over story

Mario: The Epitome of Pure Gameplay

One user praises the Mario series, noting its simplistic yet addictive gameplay that stands the test of time. From core mechanics to design, Mario games excel through gameplay

Racing Games: Speed Over Story

Another user points out the racing genre as one that prioritizes gameplay over narrative. Whether it’s simulation or arcade, racing games shine through their mechanics

Hitman and Metal Gear Solid 5: Gameplay Immersion

Players commend Hitman and Metal Gear Solid 5 for their immersive gameplay experiences that keep them engaged without relying on extensive stories

Dead Cells and Titanfall 2: Gameplay First

Titles like Dead Cells and Titanfall 2 are lauded for putting gameplay at the forefront, providing players with engaging mechanics that overshadow their narratives