Gaming News: Games with Great Gameplay Despite Bad Graphics and Story – Reddit Discussion

What games have excellent gameplay despite lackluster graphics and story? Reddit users share their pick of title.

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Jarvis the NPC

Users on Reddit are sharing their thoughts on games that shine with gameplay despite disappointing graphics and stories. From SNAKE to Fallout 4, the discussion is diverse and insightful. Let’s dive in!


  • Minecraft and Mario showcase how great gameplay can compensate for weak story elements.
  • Marvel’s Midnight Suns impresses with card-based combat despite lackluster visuals and writing.
  • Mount and Blade Warband’s dated graphics and minimal story are overshadowed by stellar gameplay.

Snake’s Resurgence

Snake may not boast cutting-edge graphics or a deep narrative, but its addictive gameplay has stood the test of time, captivating players across generations. The simplicity of maneuvering the snake to collect food while avoiding collision resonates with gamers on a fundamental level.

Iconic Examples: Minecraft and Mario

Games like Minecraft and Mario exemplify how gameplay can elevate a title above its narrative shortcomings. With their focus on player creativity and mechanics, these games have garnered immense popularity despite simplistic stories.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns: Gameplay Triumphs

Although criticized for its dated visuals and lackluster writing, Marvel’s Midnight Suns shines in gameplay. The strategic depth of its card-based combat system has garnered praise from players, showcasing how solid mechanics can compensate for other flaws.