Gaming News: Halo Infinite Adds ‘Easy Anti-Cheat Software’ in New Update – User Reactions

Discover how gamers react to the introduction of Easy Anti-Cheat in Halo Infinite and the impact on gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The introduction of Easy Anti-Cheat in Halo Infinite has sparked mixed reactions among gamers on Reddit.


  • Some gamers are concerned about potential issues with the new anti-cheat software affecting gameplay.
  • Others view the move as a necessary step to combat hackers and improve the overall gaming experience.
  • There is speculation about the impact of the easy anti-cheat system on modding and community content creation in Halo Infinite.

User Reactions to Easy Anti-Cheat Implementation

Ugesu humorously remarked, “it’s called easy because it is easy to turn off,” highlighting concerns about the effectiveness of the new system.

Mnoonsnocket expressed worry about the potential impact on their gaming experience, hoping the update wouldn’t disrupt their ability to play on Rog Ally.

AnyDockers420 shared their experience of encountering more hackers post-update, speculating that the switch to Easy Anti-Cheat may lead to increased modding opportunities.

FluffySheepCritic criticized kernel anti-cheats, emphasizing that ethical concerns should not be overlooked in the pursuit of fair play.

The diverse reactions from the gaming community reflect uncertainties and hopes regarding the implementation of Easy Anti-Cheat in Halo Infinite.