Gaming News: Helldivers 2 Director Shuts Down Halo Comparisons

Helldivers 2 director dismisses Halo comparisons, urging gamers to enjoy both games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Amidst the gaming headlines, the director of Helldivers 2 addresses the notion of comparing his game to Halo, highlighting the importance of simply embracing and enjoying both experiences. Dive into the Reddit discussions below!


  • Small gaming companies shutting down rage bait.
  • Debate on the validity of turning tweets into articles.
  • Community reactions to comparing games.

Positive Reactions

LadyStreamer commends gaming companies for avoiding negativity and letting players enjoy games without unnecessary comparisons.

Weztside critiques the trend of turning tweets into articles and questions the legitimacy of such practices.

Negative Reactions

ShortyLV expresses disbelief at the extent to which one tweet has been stretched into a full article.

HungryMudkips points out the vast differences between Helldivers 2 and Halo, questioning the basis for any comparison.

Community Banter

CurmudgeonA humorously portrays the typical Reddit user’s struggle to enjoy a game without bashing another.

LengthWise2298 jokes about the Reddit challenge of abstaining from comparing games, labeling it as ‘impossible’.