Gaming News: How Gamers are Taking Care of Their Asses to Avoid Pain and Discomfort

Gaming and health collide in this Reddit post that discusses the importance of taking care of your body to avoid discomfort.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: This Reddit post delves into the importance of taking care of your body to avoid discomfort and pain, focusing on the impact of gaming on physical health.


  • Exercise and proper care are crucial to avoid discomfort and pain.
  • Some users emphasize the importance of a healthy diet and hydration.
  • Discussion extends to other health issues related to prolonged sitting and gaming.

Exercise is Key

Gamers are sharing their experiences and tips on how exercise has helped them avoid discomfort and pain, emphasizing the need for physical activity to maintain good health. From walking to more intense workout routines, users are advocating for an active lifestyle alongside gaming.

Healthy Habits

Comments also highlight the significance of maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated to prevent health issues like hemorrhoids. The community discusses the impact of diet on overall well-being and how small changes can lead to significant improvements in health.

Other Health Concerns

Users bring up additional health concerns related to prolonged sitting, such as pilonidal cysts, reminding fellow gamers to be mindful of their physical well-being beyond just the immediate discomfort of hemorrhoids. The conversation expands to encompass a broader discussion on health maintenance.