Gaming News: Immersive Reputation Systems in Video Games – Reddit Discussion

Explore immersive reputation systems in games. Do players crave realistic reactions based on their in-game choices?

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent Reddit post, a user mused about the idea of a game with an immersive reputation system, seeking games where NPC interactions reflect the player’s in-game actions.


  • Players desire games where NPC reactions dynamically change based on their in-game choices.
  • Games like ‘Fallout: New Vegas’ and ‘Shadow of Mordor’ provide glimpses of immersive reputation systems.
  • Titles like ‘Kingdom Come: Deliverance’ and ‘Fable’ offer realistic NPC responses influenced by player actions.

The Depth of Immersion

Players long for games where NPCs react intelligently to their actions, enhancing immersion and creating a dynamic world that feels alive and responsive. The idea of NPCs surrendering or reacting differently based on the player’s reputation adds depth to the gaming experience.

Player Experience and Interaction

Games like ‘Kingdom Come: Deliverance’ and ‘Watchdogs’ showcase how player choices and attire impact NPC behavior, showcasing a more realistic and immersive world. These interactions not only enhance gameplay but also encourage players to engage more deeply with their in-game decisions.

Diverse Gameplay Experiences

From the moral choices in ‘Infamous’ to the deep reputation system in ‘Caves of Qud,’ gamers appreciate titles that challenge traditional gaming narratives and offer unique gameplay experiences. These games push the boundaries of player interaction and storytelling.

Lingering Impact

Immersive reputation systems not only shape moment-to-moment gameplay but also have a lasting impact on the player’s journey, creating a sense of consequence and realism that resonates throughout the gaming experience.