Gaming News: Indie Developer Celebrates Selling 100 Copies of Second Game

Join the celebration as an indie developer achieves a small but significant milestone of selling 100 copies of their second game on Steam.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hello friends, I’m not sure if this is the type of content this sub wants, but my second game on steam just eclipsed the 100 sales mark, so I thought I’d celebrate with someone! If anyone has any questions about the trials and tribulations of a relatively beginner developer on steam then I’d be happy to answer 🙂

As I get more experienced I’m sure this stuff will take up less of my time, but definitely something to not overlook when scheduling!


  • Transitioning from hobby to a commercial release brings a wave of new challenges, especially in terms of administrative tasks and store requirements.
  • Maintaining community engagement and the marketing strategies play a crucial role in the success of indie games.
  • Reflecting on areas for improvement in raising awareness and boosting sales can shape future development decisions.


Congrats on your milestone! If you don’t mind, I have a small technical question. After how many sales did steam allow you to use community features? I’m working on my first game and things like achievements don’t show up on my steam page, even though they are implemented. Thanks!


That’s a great achievement, congrats on this! Do you have some metrics or ideas about the marketing actions that had the most impact? Some that you expected to be effective but weren’t?


Congratulations OP, that’s a great achievement! I wanted to ask a slightly different question than the rest, just to pick your brains a little: is there anything you felt like you could have done more or would have liked help on to push awareness/sales of your game even more?

Bring on the confetti cannons and champagne showers! This indie developer’s journey from 0 to 100 sales is more than just a numerical feat. It’s a testament to the dedication and hard work poured into creating a game that resonates with the audience. Through the trials and triumphs of the development process, from crafting store assets to integrating with key features like achievements and cloud saving, every step has led to this small but meaningful victory. As the community rallies behind the developer’s success, sharing insights and congratulatory messages, it’s clear that in the world of indie game development, every sale is a cause for celebration. So here’s to more milestones, more games, and more successes on the horizon. The game dev journey may be paved with challenges, but with each small victory, it’s all the more rewarding. Cheers to the developer and here’s to selling the next 100 copies and beyond!