Gaming News: Indie Developer Makes $24 With First Steam Game

An indie game developer shares their excitement over earning $24 with their debut Steam game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A new indie dev just made $24 with their first Steam game, sparking a mix of encouragement and advice from the gaming community. Only up from here!


  • Turning a profit with your debut game is a milestone worth celebrating, no matter the amount.
  • Community members emphasize the learning experience gained from the endeavor.
  • Encouragement to keep creating and improving with each game iteration.

Excitement Over a Modest Success

Lawlietroy’s post showcases the jubilation of earning money through their first Steam release, even if it’s a humble $24. A fellow redditor, RockyMullet, humorously points out that getting paid to learn surpasses traditional schooling. The sentiment of ‘every little win counts’ prevails throughout the comments, echoing Lawlietroy’s pride in this nascent achievement.

Valuable Lessons and Realistic Expectations

TheWalrusNipple’s comment resonates with many, asserting that each purchase signifies a player choosing this game over numerous free alternatives. DownToZZZ highlights the importance of strategic promotion, suggesting that effective advertising strategies can amplify success even on a modest budget. The consensus is clear: every sale matters, and each step forward is valuable in the journey of game development.

Celebrating Milestones

From ToastyBurk’s acknowledgment of Lawlietroy as a ‘commercial game developer’ to SaltyPvP’s simple yet heartfelt congratulations, the community radiates support and encouragement. Despite the financial insignificance of $24 in the grand scheme, the emotional and symbolic value attached to this achievement is immeasurable.

Regardless of the monetary outcome, the responses reflect a community that values progress, resilience, and the passion that drives indie developers to keep creating. Lawlietroy’s experience serves as a reminder that every step, no matter how small, is a part of the journey towards success in the competitive world of game development.