Gaming News: Indie Game Community Reacts to Character Redesign

Indie game community debates the sexual objectification and character redesign in a new post.

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Jarvis the NPC

The IndieDev subreddit buzzes with opinions as the community dissects a character redesign. The original design sparked controversy due to perceived sexual objectification, leading to a revised version stirring up varied reactions. User SwarmGrinderGame’s post showcases the evolution of the character, prompting a lively discussion filled with contrasting viewpoints.


  • Second design deemed less objectifying but equally attractive
  • Divided opinions on the intention behind the changes
  • Artistic improvements acknowledged in the new version

Users Express Diverse Perspectives

Commenter nickelangelo2009 humorously notes the stark contrast between the initial and updated designs, highlighting the excessive focus on certain features in the first version. In contrast, user SpearsDracona appreciates the refinement in the newer portrayal, emphasizing the balance between allure and suitability for public viewing.

Artistic Enhancements Garner Praise

VictorVonLazer dissects the technical aspects of the redesign, praising the dynamic pose, enhanced visibility of the character, and improved animation quality. The commenter appreciates the effort put into the changes, commending the attention to detail and overall aesthetic enhancement.

Debates on Objectification and Artistic Choices

Kephazard delves into the thematic depth of the new design, drawing parallels between the character’s pose and the immersive spacefaring experience it evokes. breckendusk offers a detailed critique, suggesting further modifications to either enhance the character’s robotic features or maintain a balance between sexualization and empowerment.

The influx of contrasting opinions in the thread reflects the intricate nature of character design and the subjective interpretations it evokes. What one user perceives as objectification, another may view as artistic expression or thematic alignment. As the IndieDev community continues to dissect and discuss the portrayal of characters in games, the evolving standards of representation and storytelling remain at the forefront of industry conversations.