Gaming News: Indie Game Developers Discuss Gamer Community Challenges

Indie game developers open up about facing negativity from the gamer community and share their insights on navigating through it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Indie game developer, Tarnishedrenamon, expressed concerns about the gamer community’s effect on their passion for creating games. They cited instances on social media where exaggerated reactions to trivial matters dampened their enthusiasm.


  • Developers highlighted the disconnect between gamers and the game creation process, emphasizing the need for personal fulfillment in game development.
  • Community feedback, both positive and negative, was viewed as an essential part of the game development journey, with constructive criticism being valued over baseless negativity.
  • Advice centered on prioritizing individual passion, finding supportive communities, and not letting internet backlash dictate creative pursuits.

Challenges of Gamer Community

I am trying to make a simple point and click adventure game, and often whenever I tend to cross something involving the video game community on twitter or reddit and seeing how so many are just losing it over something so silly it just takes a lot of my wind out of my sails and wondering if it is even worth it.

Navigating Feedback

Don’t confuse chronically online, basement-dwelling goblins for the larger community. The way redditors and twitter/x folk act, you’d think nobody even enjoyed video games anymore.

Staying True to Vision

The greater gaming community is why I gave up on the idea of a successful game. I’m going to shadow drop my game, and more than likely, let it flop.