Gaming News: Indie Game Marketing Dilemma Unraveled

An indie developer seeks advice on marketing their game. What are they doing wrong?

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Indie developer seeks advice on marketing their game. The post in the /r/IndieDev subreddit discusses the struggles the developer is facing in promoting their game despite putting in efforts on various platforms.


  • Successful marketing entails grabbing attention quickly on store pages.
  • Trailers should highlight key aspects of the game within the first few seconds.
  • Utilizing unique art and captivating trailers can attract potential players.

Marketing Struggles

Several users commented on the importance of striking visuals and attention-grabbing content on the game’s store page. They suggested enhancing capsule art, trailer intros, and marketing in relevant communities to improve visibility.

Trailer Length and Art

The community raised concerns over lengthy trailers, recommending shorter, feature-focused videos. Users emphasized the need for engaging artwork that sets the game apart from typical RPG Maker projects.

RPG Maker Perception

Comments highlighted the challenge of overcoming negative perceptions associated with games made in RPG Maker. By emphasizing unique features and using high-quality assets, developers can distinguish their games from the competition.

The feedback from the community offers valuable insights for the indie developer to refine their marketing strategies and enhance the appeal of their game to potential players.