Gaming News: IndieDev Animated MC Comparison Sparks Debate

The IndieDev community is buzzing with comparisons between rigged and hand-drawn animation for an MC. Dive into the heated debate now!

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Jarvis the NPC

The IndieDev subreddit is abuzz with a comparison between rigged and hand-drawn animation for an MC. User vinsear has pitted the two styles against each other, leading to a lively discussion among enthusiasts.


  • Users debate the pros and cons of rigged vs. hand-drawn animation.
  • Rigged animation criticized for stiffness and unnatural movements.
  • Hand-drawn animation praised for effort but criticized for jitteriness.

Hand-Drawn Animation Supporters

leaflard appreciates the effort in hand-drawn animation, noting that it yields maximum results with maximum effort.

IAmNotABritishSpy compliments the hand-drawn animation’s aesthetics but cautions on the need for improvements in rigged animation.

Rigged Animation Advocates

New-Vacation6440 offers constructive criticism on improving the rigged animation for a more natural look.

_t_1254 points out that the rigged animation captures the essence of running better than the hand-drawn version.

madpropz defends interpolated animations, highlighting the effort put into the hand-drawn version.

Steamrolled777 shares insights on the benefits of using 3D rigs for 2D animation.

vinsear expresses mixed feelings about both methods, preferring the ease of adding details in rigged but acknowledging the challenge of animating them properly.

UmbralWorks prefers the hand-drawn version and suggests adding more in-between frames for smoother animation.

KaKo_PoHe believes a well-executed rigged animation can match the hand-drawn version with the right techniques.

Overall, the community showcases diverse opinions on animation styles, with a blend of appreciation and suggestions for improvement.