Gaming News: Irritatingly Talkative Games that Need a Mute Button

Discover the games that players love but wish would just learn the art of silence. Which title makes you hit the mute button on the dialogue?

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever played a game that mechanically sings but vocally stings? Gamers on Reddit are venting about games they love but wish would just hush for a moment. In a sea of chatter, certain titles are drowning out player enjoyment with their non-stop babble.


  • Games that are mechanically sound but ruined by incessant dialogue.
  • Players feel overwhelmed by constant chatter in titles like Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands and Borderlands.
  • Some games like XCOM 2 and Destiny 2 suffer from excessive character banter.
  • Over-explaining mechanics and repetitive dialogues are major turn-offs for players.

Incessant Chatter in Games

Players expressed frustration with games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, where dialogue becomes a hindrance rather than an enhancement to the gameplay experience. The inability to skip lengthy cutscenes or repetitive companion dialogues often leads to player disengagement.

Annoying Character Dialogue

Many gamers shared their grievances about specific games, highlighting issues like NPCs talking too much or guiding players excessively. From mainstream titles like Final Fantasy VII to niche games like Rogue Trader, the consensus was clear: less talk, more action.

Striking a Balance

While engaging dialogue can enhance immersion, excessive chatter can detract from the overall gaming experience. Developers should focus on creating meaningful dialogue that adds value without overwhelming the player. Finding the balance between informative dialogue and player agency is crucial for a successful gaming experience.