Gaming News: Last Epoch Impressions – Is It the New ARPG King?

Last Epoch has been out for over a week. What do gamers really think about it? Find out here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch has been out for over a week, and gamers are buzzing with excitement and feedback about their experiences. Developer Thorbient shares his insights on the game and its comparison to Diablo 4, while players voice their opinions on everything from build diversity to endgame content. Let’s dive into the subreddit discussion and see what the community has to say about this new ARPG contender.


  • Last Epoch offers a fresh take on ARPGs with its impressive build diversity and accessible gameplay.
  • Players appreciate the game’s potential for theorycrafting and deep skill trees.
  • Some users find the endgame repetitive and lacking in exploration, while others praise its refined systems.

Thorbient’s Opinions

Thorbient highlights Last Epoch’s strong suits, such as its build variety and crafting mechanics, favorably comparing it to Diablo 4. Despite initial server issues, he finds the game to be a promising contender in the ARPG genre.

Player Experiences

Squalphin enjoys the offline gameplay and praises the combat variety, while ElDuderino2112 expresses mixed feelings about the game’s 1.0 release, citing unmet expectations for endgame content and character animations.