Gaming News: Lessons Learned from Releasing a Video Game – A Developer’s Journey

A solo developer shares insights from a year after releasing Lifespace Traveler on Steam, offering valuable lessons on game development and marketing.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A solo developer reflects on the challenges and triumphs following the release of their first video game, Lifespace Traveler. From using Blueprints in Unreal Engine to marketing struggles, here’s a deep dive into their journey.


  • Choosing between Blueprints and C++ in Unreal Engine can be a blend of efficiency and performance.
  • Marketing the game was harder than anticipated, with Reddit standing out as a valuable platform for feedback and engagement.
  • The first 10-20 minutes of gameplay and core gameplay loop are vital for player engagement and retention.

Loved Unreal Engine, Learned Blueprints

The developer’s preference for Unreal Engine stemmed from their fondness for Blueprints, providing a smooth transition into game development without sacrificing engagement. While they eventually incorporated C++, Blueprints remained integral to the process, balancing simplicity and performance.

Marketing Struggles and Triumphs

The post highlights the challenges of marketing, showcasing Reddit as a pivotal platform for genuine feedback and engagement. Despite trying various social media avenues, Reddit stood out as a community where passionate individuals provided valuable insights.

The Importance of Gameplay Loop

Emphasizing the significance of the core gameplay loop, the post stresses the need for engaging mechanics and player retention. Through playtesting and refining this loop, developers can ensure a captivating experience that resonates with players.

Gaming Journey Continues

As the developer looks back on their journey, they acknowledge the highs and lows of releasing a first game, the challenges of marketing, and the importance of core game elements. Their dedication to continuous improvement and passion for game development shine through, inspiring fellow developers to persevere through the hurdles and celebrate the victories in this dynamic industry.