Gaming News: Minecraft for Playstation 5 Preview Sparks Excitement

The Minecraft PS5 preview launch has gamers buzzing! Read on to uncover the community's reactions and expectations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News! The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the first preview of a native version for the Sony PlayStation 5 is set to launch.


  • Players speculate on the similarities and differences to other platform versions.
  • Impressions highlight the smooth 60fps gameplay but note limitations like no ray tracing yet.
  • Desire for cross-platform features like ray tracing indicated by leaked Xbox version.

Players’ Reactions

“Cant imagine what it looks like. Probably looks a little bit like the PlayStation 4 version. Or maybe the Xbox One version. Or the Xbox Series X version. Or the PS4 Pro version. Or the Nintendo Switch version. Maybe even the iOS version. Maybe like the 360 version, or even the PS3. I can’t imagine the possibilities of this brand new unique PS5 version.”

“So far the preview is pretty cool. 60fps smooth. Can’t turn on ray tracing yet. Render distance 36 chunks (don’t recall what PS4 version is).

Have to start a new world and it’s not transferable. Don’t have PSN so I have no idea how the multiplayer is.”

Feature Expectations

“Ages ago they accidentally leaked an updated Xbox version with ray tracing, but then it disappeared. I would have assumed that would be something they’d try to use to sell new consoles.”

“Does it have vrr support now that it’s a native PS5 app?”