Gaming News: Most Unexpected Dev Studio for a Game?

Discover the surprising game developers behind your favorite titles! FromSoftware, Creative Assembly, and others show their versatile talents.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Have you ever been astonished by the unexpected developers behind your favorite games? A Reddit user shared their surprise at discovering FromSoftware’s involvement in titles like Armored Core.


  • Game developers often surprise players with their diverse portfolio.
  • FromSoftware’s evolution from Armored Core to Dark Souls amazed many.
  • Other studios like Creative Assembly hiding their non-strategy gems.

FromSoftware’s Versatility

FromSoftware’s transition from Armored Core to Dark Souls showcases their versatile game development skills. Many players, like the post author, were shocked to discover the studio’s diverse range of games.

Creative Assembly’s Hidden Gems

Creative Assembly, known for the Total War series, surprised gamers with their creation of Alien Isolation. Their shift from strategy games to a horror masterpiece caught many off guard.

Unexpected Developer Transitions

Studio pivots, such as Naughty Dog’s shift from Crash Bandicoot to Uncharted, continue to astonish players. These unexpected twists in developer portfolios add depth to the gaming industry.