Gaming News: Nonsense References in Video Games That Gamers Believe

Explore the absurd 'references' and Easter eggs gamers claim to have spotted in their favorite video games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever heard gamers claim outlandish ‘references’ in video games? Dive into some hilarious yet plausible nonsense today!


  • Not all game references are as they seem.
  • Players often misconstrue nods for universe crossovers.
  • Fan wikis sometimes stretch the truth for trivia’s sake.
  • Children see Fortnite everywhere.
  • Misinterpreted References

    Many gamers misinterpret game references, such as assuming mundane game elements signify deep connections, like a monitor texture hinting at real-world locations.

    Universal Universes

    Players mistakenly link unrelated games due to similar elements, like currency names, ignoring developers’ unique touches.

    Fortnite Fever

    Children often interpret anything vaguely similar to Fortnite as a direct reference, blurring the lines between inspiration and homage.

    Trivia Troubles

    Trivial information on fan wikis sometimes escalates to absurdity, turning mundane details into far-fetched connections to entertain readers.