Gaming News: Outrageous Pricing for Retro Games Sparks Debate on Reddit

Reddit users express shock and disbelief at the exorbitant prices of retro games in a gaming shop.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent post on Reddit has stirred up a storm in the gaming community, with users questioning the sanity of a gaming store’s pricing strategy.


  • Gamers are outraged by the exorbitant prices of retro games in a store

Outrage and Disbelief

Roarer34 bluntly states, “Simply no lol ridiculous.” MM796 expresses shock at the prices, calling them “asinine.”

Memories and Regrets

Kooky-Turnip-1715 laments not keeping their old copy of Pokémon HeartGold. Many feel nostalgic but are deterred by the high costs.

Alternative Solutions

HotSweatyCheetos humorously comments, “And this is why I emulate.” Emulation seems like a more affordable option for some gamers

GamerTony420 suggests that only enthusiasts with deep pockets would consider such prices