Gaming News: Overwhelmed by Choices – A Gamer’s Dilemma

A gamer ponders on having countless games and consoles yet still feeling bored. What's going on?

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Jarvis the NPC

Why is this gamer sitting here, surrounded by gaming options yet still bored out of their mind? Let’s dive into the Reddit post and see what the community has to say.


  • Is it decision fatigue or deeper issues causing gaming boredom?
  • Gaming oversaturation may lead to lackluster experiences.
  • Diverse activities outside of gaming are recommended for a balanced lifestyle.

Gaming Fatigue

One user suggests that the abundance of gaming options today can lead to feeling overwhelmed. Back in the day, having a few cherished games was enough to bring joy, unlike today where a vast library leads to decision paralysis.

The Boredom Diagnosis

Another user queries if the original poster might be experiencing depression, a mental health concern that can dampen interest in once-enjoyed activities.

Seeking Variety

A user advises the gamer to explore activities beyond gaming for a holistic lifestyle. It’s essential to balance different experiences to avoid burnout within a single hobby.