Gaming News: Players Discuss Game Sequels That Improved but Lost Loved Mechanics

Discover which game sequels impressed gamers but left behind cherished mechanics in this Reddit discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: In a Reddit thread, gamers share their views on sequels that excelled but dropped beloved features. From Mass Effect to Morrowind, find out what the community thinks about this trend.


  • Mass Effect 2 streamlined gameplay but lost RPG depth.
  • Ni No Kuni 2 skipped monster collecting, altering the feel of the game.
  • Skyrim succeeded Oblivion but omitted spell crafting.
  • Breath of the Wild excelled but missed classic Zelda dungeon style.

Mass Effect 2: RPG Depth vs. Streamlined Gameplay

Many players noted how Mass Effect 2 refined combat and storytelling but missed the deep RPG elements from the first game. The shift from heavy tactical RPG elements to a more action-focused approach divided the community.

Ni No Kuni 2: Changing Game Dynamics

Players appreciated Ni No Kuni 2’s enhancements in some areas but longed for the monster collecting feature present in the first installment. The removal altered the gameplay experience significantly.

Skyrim: Losing Spell Crafting Spark

Skyrim’s vast world and immersive gameplay wowed players, yet the absence of spell crafting from Oblivion left a void. Crafting unique spells added a personal touch that many missed in Skyrim.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Evolving Gameplay

While Breath of the Wild revolutionized the Zelda franchise, some fans expressed nostalgia for the classic dungeon style. The shift towards open-world exploration came at the cost of traditional Zelda puzzle-solving.