Gaming News: Players Divided on Background Patterns in Indie Game

Gamers are split on the background designs of an upcoming indie game. Check out the debate on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Wondering what gamers think about different background patterns in an indie game? Let’s dive into the Reddit discussion!


  • Players split between pattern A and B, with varying reasons for their preferences.
  • Some enjoy the retro vibes of B, while others find A more appealing for its simplicity.
  • Suggestions for random background selection or daily changes spark creative ideas.

Players Love the Retro Vibes

RetroMirai points out the cute graphics that remind them of Yoshi’s Island, expressing joy from the nostalgic checkered tiles in pattern B.

A vs. B: The Great Debate

EnderWarlock01 prefers the appealing simplicity of pattern A, while others like RoseSpades and LongjumpingDonut1648 side with the more detailed and classic look of B.

Making Backgrounds Interactive

MixerLvivUa suggests allowing players to choose backgrounds or have them change daily, offering a new layer of engagement to the game.

Final Thoughts

Players’ preferences for background patterns in indie games are diverse, with some leaning towards nostalgia and others valuing simplicity. The debate showcases the importance of visual elements in enhancing gaming experiences. Which background pattern would you choose?