Gaming News: Players Express Distrust in Well-Regarded Game Developers

Gamers voice their hesitations about popular developers' involvement in new projects. Find out what makes these once-loved studios lose favor.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A Reddit thread delves into gamers’ reservations toward well-regarded developers. Are some icons losing their magic?


  • Players express disappointment in previously admired studios.
  • Concerns range from business practices to game quality.
  • Trust in developers is eroding, leading to cautious game purchases.

Developers Losing Their Shine

For user Fievel10, studios like Dontnod, Quantic Dream, and post-MGS4 Kojima can be instant turn-offs. Despite enjoying Jusant, the association with these creators isn’t a positive one for this player. Could past disappointments be to blame?

Blizzard’s Fall from Grace

Reddit user kykyks calls out Blizzard for alleged mistreatment of employees and a decline in game quality. Has the once-revered developer lost touch with its audience?

Retro Rockstar Regrets

Rockstar Games, a former fan favorite, is losing appeal for Bushbaby_Man2019 due to changes in game design and mechanics. Are players seeing a departure from the studio’s golden era?


Gamers today are more cautious than ever, with trust in developers wavering. The industry must navigate these feelings of skepticism to rebuild relationships with their audience.