Gaming News: Players Get Lost in Side Quests and Forget Main Plot in Popular Games

Do you ever get so wrapped up in side quests that you forget the main plot in games like The Witcher 3 and Skyrim? Check out what gamers have to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you guilty of getting lost in side quests in games to the point where you forget the main storyline? It seems like many gamers share this struggle, losing track of main objectives while enjoying the vast world of side content.


  • Players lose sight of main plot in games like The Witcher 3 and Skyrim due to immersive side quests.
  • Bethesda games like Fallout 4 and Oblivion also lead players astray with extensive side content.
  • Games like Borderlands and Elden Ring offer rich side activities that often overshadow the main narrative.

The Witcher 3 and Skyrim

Many players find themselves so engrossed in side quests in games like The Witcher 3 and Skyrim that they lose track of the main plot entirely. The expansive worlds and countless activities can easily lead to this immersive experience where players prioritize side content over the main story.

Bethesda Games

Games from Bethesda, such as Fallout 4 and Oblivion, are notorious for offering an overwhelming amount of side content. Players often dive into settlement building, guild quests, and exploration, sidelining the main objectives for hours on end.

Borderlands and Elden Ring

Titles like Borderlands and Elden Ring provide players with an abundance of side activities, from collecting loot to engaging in various quests. The allure of these side tasks can sometimes overshadow the central narrative, leading players on extended detours.

Whether you’ve spent hours building settlements in Fallout 4 or collecting loot in Borderlands, getting lost in side quests is a common experience that adds to the depth and immersion of these games. While the main plot may take a back seat, the journey through side content often proves just as rewarding and enjoyable for many players.