Gaming News: Players Reveal Games That Left Them Speechless

Players share emotional experiences as they name games that left them speechless.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever finished a game and just sat there in disbelief at what you witnessed? Users on a gaming subreddit have been sharing the games that have left them utterly speechless.


  • Players reveal emotional impact of game endings.
  • Games like ‘The Last of Us’ and ‘Bioshock Infinite’ mentioned frequently.
  • Narrative depth and character development key factors in leaving players speechless.

ElysiumReviews: Halo Reach

Halo Reach made me feel the sacrifice and emotional weight of the story. The ending was beautifully tragic, leaving a lasting impact.

Miragold123: Metal Gear Solid 3

The Boss’s sacrifice in Metal Gear Solid 3 is a moment that lingers in your mind long after the credits roll.

Zarsin1: Hellblade

Hellblade’s depiction of mental health and the final revelation hit me hard emotionally, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

Codipotent: SOMA

The philosophical questions raised by SOMA’s ending left me contemplating the nature of consciousness and identity.

Jennaallynn: What Remains of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch’s engaging storytelling and unique gameplay had me captivated from start to finish, with a desire to experience it all over again.