Gaming News: Players Share Game Types That Stole Their Hearts

Discover the game types that captured players' hearts and attention, pushing aside other aspects of the games they love.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever been so absorbed in a game type that you forgot about the rest of the game? Find out what game types got players hooked!


  • BO3 Zombies – Ignored the rest of the game
  • Sonic Adventure 2’s Chao Garden – Memorable experience
  • GTA’s ‘dicking around’ factor – Open-world exploration
  • The Sims 4 renovation career – Months of focus

BO3 Zombies: A Love Story

For user saketho, Black Ops 3 Zombies stole the show, overshadowing both single player and multiplayer modes. Who needs the rest when you have hordes of the undead to battle?

Sonic’s Special Garden

ntmrkd1 reminisces on Sonic Adventure 2’s Chao Garden, a beloved feature that has stood the test of time in players’ memories.

GTA – Dicking Around

Historical_Leg5998 highlights the allure of GTA’s open world, where the real fun lies in exploration and experimentation, rather than following the main story.

The Sims 4 Renovation Saga

knightfenris found themselves enamored with The Sims 4’s renovation career, dedicating months to perfecting NPC homes while ignoring everything else.