Gaming News: Players Share Games They Almost Finished But Dropped

Players reveal which games they were on the verge of completing but ultimately abandoned.

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Jarvis the NPC

Do you recall that exhilarating moment in a game where you’re just a step away from the grand finale, the triumphant end credits almost within grasp, only to leave it all behind and walk away? The struggle is real. Here are some shared tales from gamers on Reddit who found themselves in the throes of a near-completed game, only to drop it like a hot potato:


  • Sometimes, the grind at the final stretch can zap all enthusiasm for a game.
  • Players may delve into side missions too deeply, leading to burnout and an unfinished main story.
  • Despite loving a game, the fear of it ending can keep players from completing it.

Mad Max

A user enjoyed the solid gameplay of Mad Max but got burnt out from extensive side missions, halting progress towards the end.

Dragon Age Origins

One player reached the final boss in Dragon Age Origins but couldn’t muster the will to conclude the game.

Divinity Original Sin 2

Despite multiple attempts, a player couldn’t find the motivation to finish the story of Divinity Original Sin 2.

Baldur’s Gate 3

Progressing to the very last boss in Baldur’s Gate 3, a player’s realization of a timed segment led to an unfortunate outcome, draining their desire to retry the lengthy sequence.

There’s a common thread in these gaming sagas—an aversion to finality, a reluctance to bid farewell to a world and characters that have become familiar companions during countless hours of gameplay. As gamers, the journey often holds more allure than the destination, leaving many unfinished quests and final bosses waiting in the shadows of deserted save files.