Gaming News: Players Share Their Disappointing Game Gifts – Reddit Stories

Players recount their worst game gifts - from Charles Angels to 'Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge'.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players on Reddit reminisce about the worst game gifts they’ve received from family and friends, from childhood disappointments to bizarre choices.


  • Unexpected game selections lead to memorable, albeit disappointing, gaming experiences.
  • Financial struggles sometimes result in budget-friendly but disappointing game choices.
  • Misunderstandings about gaming preferences can lead to well-meaning but unfortunate gift choices.

Disappointing Childhood Memories

One user recalled receiving ‘Petz: Horsez’ for the Wii as a man in his thirties, highlighting the misjudgment and humor in age-inappropriate game gifts.

Financial Constraints and Low Expectations

Another player shared how their own choice of cheap games led to underwhelming experiences, showing that monetary restrictions can affect the quality of game gifts.

Unintentional Gift Mishaps

A grandparent’s accidental switch from ‘Die Hard Trilogy’ to ‘Independence Day’ showcases how misunderstandings can lead to disappointing surprises, even with good intentions.

A Mix of Emotions

While some gifts led to disappointment and frustration, others like ‘Sonic Unleashed’ opened new gaming doors, illustrating that even flawed gifts can have unexpected positive outcomes.