Gaming News: Players Share Their Ideal Video Game Locations to Unwind

If you could relax in one video game location, where would you choose? Gamers share their dream destinations and reasons why.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine being able to kick back and unwind in any video game world. The Reddit community recently delved into this escapist topic, asking each other where they’d choose to relax and who they’d hang out with in that serene setting.


  • Peaceful hot springs in Ghost of Tsushima
  • Corvo Bianco in Toussaint for quality time with B.B.
  • The Citadel from Mass Effect for people-watching in a well-done setting
  • Majula from Dark Souls 2 for inner peace by the crashing waves

Players’ Dream Locations

Gamers voiced varied choices, from the tranquility of hot springs in Ghost of Tsushima to the majestic beauty of Majula in Dark Souls 2.

Reasons Behind Choices

Many cited the ambiance, nostalgia, and sense of peace conveyed by these virtual landscapes, making them ideal places to unwind and escape reality, if only momentarily.

Community Connection

The sharing of personal preferences sparked engaging discussions among users, each offering unique insights into the allure of video game locations for relaxation.