Gaming News: Players Share Which DLC Should Have Been Included in the Base Game

Players discuss DLC that should have been part of the base game in popular titles, sparking debates on content and value.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming, downloadable content (DLC) has become a common way for developers to extend the lifespan of their games and offer additional content to players. However, not all DLC is created equal, and sometimes players find themselves wondering why certain content wasn’t included in the base game to begin with. This sentiment was recently echoed in a Reddit post where players shared their thoughts on DLC that they felt should have been part of the original release.


  • Players express frustration over day-one DLC practices
  • Several examples of DLC that players believed should have been part of the base game
  • Discussion on the impact of DLC on the overall game experience

Noodle_head26’s Take

Noodle_head26 highlighted The Sims 4 DLC, lamenting the emptiness and lack of engagement in the base game without additional content.

Maeglin16’s Perspective

Maeglin16 noted Prince of Persia 2008’s DLC, emphasizing that it felt like an essential part of the main storyline that was somehow excluded.

Raven_of_Blades’ Insight

Raven_of_Blades mentioned the Mass Effect 3 DLC that explained the Reapers, indicating a missed opportunity for a fuller narrative in the core game.

Players across different titles shared their views on DLC, voicing their disappointment and dissatisfaction with the additional content provided post-launch. From game extensions that completed narratives to features that should have been available from the start, the discussion highlighted the impact of DLC on the gaming experience.