Gaming News: Playing as the Villain – The Sneaky Side of Gaming

Discover games where being evil means a subtle, sneaky approach. Find out how players navigate being the villain in a clever way!

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking for games that let you delve into the realm of villainy but with a sneaky twist? One Reddit user explores this unique gaming experience.


  • Exploring the concept of playing as the villain in a subtle manner.
  • Recommendations ranging from indie games to classic titles like Fallout New Vegas.
  • Players enjoy the dynamic of being deceptive while still maintaining a facade of friendliness.

Games with Subtle Villainy

Many users suggested games where you can embody the villain but in a sly, deceptive way. For example, “Overboard!” offers a reverse-detective experience where you pin a crime on someone else, showcasing a unique gameplay concept.

Deception and Betrayal in Tyranny

In Tyranny, players can align with factions and deceive them throughout the game. This constant theme of deception adds depth to the gameplay and allows for a nuanced villainous approach.

Fallout New Vegas: The Sneaky Evil Path

Players pointed out how Fallout New Vegas’ karma system enables them to maintain a facade of niceness while engaging in sinister activities behind the scenes, demonstrating a clever way to play as the villain.

Villainous Surprises in Shadow of Colossus

The revelation that players are the unwitting villains in Shadow of Colossus adds a profound twist to the narrative, showcasing a unique take on exploring the darker side of gaming.