Gaming News: Potential Gaming Controversies That Turned Out to Be No Big Deal

Remember when gaming controversies turned out to be much ado about nothing? Let's dive into those moments!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to gaming controversies, sometimes what seems like a big deal ends up being a storm in a teacup. In a Reddit discussion, users reminisced about potential controversies in the gaming world that turned out to be no big deal at all.


  • The concern over Blanka in Brazil turned out to be well-received.
  • Protests about Doom 2016’s themes didn’t resonate with players.
  • Gone Home’s quick completion controversy fizzled out quickly.

Dante’s Inferno Protests

One Reddit user mentioned the paid protestors enlisted by EA for Dante’s Inferno, creating a bizarre buzz that didn’t stick.

Mass Effect Misconceptions

Mass Effect faced rumors of being merely an alien sex simulator, which quickly dissipated upon release.

FF7 Remake Success

The worries about Wall Market in FF7 Remake being insensitive were proven wrong, delighting fans.

Hot Coffee Scandal

GTA’s Hot Coffee scandal was a storm in a teacup, with exaggerated reactions to hidden content.