Gaming News: Reddit Outrage Over EA’s Game Decisions

Gamers express frustration over EA's handling of popular game franchises.

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Jarvis the NPC

Oh, the drama! EA’s decisions are stirring the internet pot again. Let’s dive into the heated Reddit discussions to see what’s got gamers up in arms this time.


  • EA’s refusal to create sequels or follow-up games to beloved franchises is infuriating players.
  • Players feel betrayed by EA’s lack of interest in nurturing successful IPs.
  • The cancellation of anticipated sequels like Dante’s Inferno 2 and Alice Asylum has fueled resentment towards EA.

Reactions to Dante’s Inferno

Many users express disappointment over the lack of a sequel to Dante’s Inferno, wishing for a continuation of the story in a trilogy.

Outcry for Alice Asylum

Players mourn the cancellation of the promising game Alice Asylum, expressing sadness and anger towards EA’s decision.

Titanfall Outrage

Some gamers express frustration over the cancellation of Titanfall 3 in favor of Apex Legends, criticizing the shift in gameplay and mechanics.

The community’s frustration with EA’s handling of beloved franchises is palpable, with many feeling let down and disregarded by the company’s decisions.