Gaming News: Reddit Reacts to ‘Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Classes And Factions’

Dive into the world of Dragon Age with the community's reactions on the Veilguard's classes and factions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The Reddit community is buzzing about Dragon Age and its Veilguard’s classes and factions, expressing a mix of confusion and excitement at the new information.


  • Players intrigued by the ability to change class in-game, contrasting it with past features post-launch.
  • Speculation on faction specializations and faction-based bonuses, with a humorous focus on faction style choices.
  • Excitement and anticipation for the inclusion of a transmog system, indicating a thorough development process for the game.

Confusion and Curiosity

LightbringerEvanstar’s post highlighted the community’s craving for more substantial information, hinting at the game’s depth and potential for player choices while also noting corrections to previous misconceptions.

Night Blades and Ethereal Swords

General_Snack’s inquiry into the reaper specialization sparked debates and theories surrounding the night blades’ role and weapons, showcasing the community’s interest in intricate details of gameplay.

Game Development Speculation

LightbringerEvanstar’s follow-up comment shed light on the community’s positive reception towards the game’s development approach, citing features that instill confidence in the game’s quality and thoroughness.