Gaming News: Reddit Users Discuss Games That Could Have Had Better Success with Different Release Timings

Reddit gamers analyze how the timing of game releases impacted their success or failure in a highly competitive industry.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Reddit users recently discussed the impact of release timing on the success of video games. The community shared insights on how certain games could have performed better with strategic launch windows.


  • Titanfall 2’s overshadowed release between Battlefield 1 and COD Infinite Warfare harmed its success.
  • Games like Outer Wilds and Battleborn suffered due to confusion with similar titles or lack of timely attention.
  • Community also highlighted instances like Horizon, Alan Wake, and City of Heroes clashing with bigger releases.

Titanfall 2: A Victim of Poor Timing

Many users expressed how Titanfall 2’s launch between major FPS franchise releases was a significant factor in its underperformance.

Outer Wilds vs Outer Worlds Confusion

Users highlighted how the similarity in names and close releases of Outer Wilds and Outer Worlds led to a lack of differentiation and potentially cost Outer Wilds its deserved recognition.

Horizon Games Overshadowed

Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, despite being successful, faced overshadowing due to launches coinciding with Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring respectively.

It’s clear that in the fast-paced world of gaming, release timing is a crucial factor that can make or break the success of a title. These insightful conversations on Reddit shed light on the importance of strategic planning in an industry where competition is fierce and first impressions matter.