Gaming News: Reddit Users Discuss Games They Wish They Could Experience Again for the First Time

Discover the gaming experiences Reddit users wish they could relive anew. Find out the top picks and heartfelt sentiments!

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into a Reddit discussion where users express their longing to relive certain gaming experiences as if for the first time.


  • Portal 2: The magic of the last ten minutes still resonates with players.
  • Dark Souls: Nostalgia for the 2011 experience runs deep.
  • Outer Wilds: A masterpiece where knowledge is key, with regrets for peeking.
  • The Mass Effect Trilogy: Unforgettable moments begging to be relived from scratch.

Portal 2: The Last Ten Minutes of Magic

AreYouNormal1 reminisces about the captivating conclusion of Portal 2 that left a lasting impact.

Dark Souls Nostalgia

Crab_Lengthener longs to revisit Dark Souls, especially the amazing experience back in 2011.

Outer Wilds: The Regrets of Peeking

Goosecock123 expresses admiration for Outer Wilds but regrets not experiencing it organically.

The Mass Effect Trilogy: Unforgettable Moments

LithiuMart yearns to erase memories of the Mass Effect trilogy to witness key sequences anew.